Chapter 4. Encoding and Evolution
Everything changes and nothing stands still.
Heraclitus of Ephesus, as quoted by Plato in Cratylus (360 BCE)

Applications inevitably change over time. Features are added or modified as new products are launched, user requirements become better understood, or business circumstances change. In Chapter 1 we introduced the idea of evolvability : we should aim to build systems that make it easy to adapt to change (see “Evolvability: Making Change Easy” ).
In most cases, a change to an application’s features also requires a change to data that it stores: perhaps a new field or record type needs to be captured, or perhaps existing data needs to be presented in a new way.
The data models we discussed in
Chapter 2
have different ways of coping with such change.
Relational databases generally assume that all data in the database conforms to one schema: although
that schema can be changed (through schema migrations; i.e.,
statements), there is exactly
one schema in force at any one point in time. By contrast, schema-on-read (“schemaless”) databases
don’t enforce a schema, so the database can contain a mixture of older and newer data formats
written at different times (see
“Schema flexibility in the document model”
在第二章讨论的数据模型中,面对这种变化的方式是不同的。 关系数据库通常假定数据库中的所有数据都符合一个模式:虽然这个模式可以通过模式迁移(即ALTER语句)进行更改,但在任何时刻只有一个模式正在生效。相比之下,“按需模式”(无模式)数据库不强制执行模式,因此数据库可以包含在不同时间编写的旧格式和新格式的数据混合在一起(参见“文档模型中的模式灵活性”)。
When a data format or schema changes, a corresponding change to application code often needs to happen (for example, you add a new field to a record, and the application code starts reading and writing that field). However, in a large application, code changes often cannot happen instantaneously:
With server-side applications you may want to perform a rolling upgrade (also known as a staged rollout ), deploying the new version to a few nodes at a time, checking whether the new version is running smoothly, and gradually working your way through all the nodes. This allows new versions to be deployed without service downtime, and thus encourages more frequent releases and better evolvability.
With client-side applications you’re at the mercy of the user, who may not install the update for some time.
This means that old and new versions of the code, and old and new data formats, may potentially all coexist in the system at the same time. In order for the system to continue running smoothly, we need to maintain compatibility in both directions:
- Backward compatibility
Newer code can read data that was written by older code.
- Forward compatibility
Older code can read data that was written by newer code.
Backward compatibility is normally not hard to achieve: as author of the newer code, you know the format of data written by older code, and so you can explicitly handle it (if necessary by simply keeping the old code to read the old data). Forward compatibility can be trickier, because it requires older code to ignore additions made by a newer version of the code.
In this chapter we will look at several formats for encoding data, including JSON, XML, Protocol Buffers, Thrift, and Avro. In particular, we will look at how they handle schema changes and how they support systems where old and new data and code need to coexist. We will then discuss how those formats are used for data storage and for communication: in web services, Representational State Transfer (REST), and remote procedure calls (RPC), as well as message-passing systems such as actors and message queues.
Formats for Encoding Data
Programs usually work with data in (at least) two different representations:
In memory, data is kept in objects, structs, lists, arrays, hash tables, trees, and so on. These data structures are optimized for efficient access and manipulation by the CPU (typically using pointers).
When you want to write data to a file or send it over the network, you have to encode it as some kind of self-contained sequence of bytes (for example, a JSON document). Since a pointer wouldn’t make sense to any other process, this sequence-of-bytes representation looks quite different from the data structures that are normally used in memory. i
Thus, we need some kind of translation between the two representations. The translation from the in-memory representation to a byte sequence is called encoding (also known as serialization or marshalling ), and the reverse is called decoding ( parsing , deserialization , unmarshalling ). ii
Terminology clash
Serialization is unfortunately also used in the context of transactions (see Chapter 7 ), with a completely different meaning. To avoid overloading the word we’ll stick with encoding in this book, even though serialization is perhaps a more common term.
序列化不幸地也在交易的上下文中使用(参见第7章),具有完全不同的含义。为了避免过载这个词,本书将采用编码,即使序列化可能是更常用的术语。 (请注意,这是翻译文本,不包括原文)
As this is such a common problem, there are a myriad different libraries and encoding formats to choose from. Let’s do a brief overview.
Language-Specific Formats
Many programming languages come with built-in support for encoding in-memory objects into byte
sequences. For example, Java has
], Ruby has
], Python has
and so on. Many third-party libraries also exist, such as Kryo for Java
These encoding libraries are very convenient, because they allow in-memory objects to be saved and restored with minimal additional code. However, they also have a number of deep problems:
The encoding is often tied to a particular programming language, and reading the data in another language is very difficult. If you store or transmit data in such an encoding, you are committing yourself to your current programming language for potentially a very long time, and precluding integrating your systems with those of other organizations (which may use different languages).
In order to restore data in the same object types, the decoding process needs to be able to instantiate arbitrary classes. This is frequently a source of security problems [ 5 ]: if an attacker can get your application to decode an arbitrary byte sequence, they can instantiate arbitrary classes, which in turn often allows them to do terrible things such as remotely executing arbitrary code [ 6 , 7 ].
Versioning data is often an afterthought in these libraries: as they are intended for quick and easy encoding of data, they often neglect the inconvenient problems of forward and backward compatibility.
Efficiency (CPU time taken to encode or decode, and the size of the encoded structure) is also often an afterthought. For example, Java’s built-in serialization is notorious for its bad performance and bloated encoding [ 8 ].
For these reasons it’s generally a bad idea to use your language’s built-in encoding for anything other than very transient purposes.
JSON, XML, and Binary Variants
Moving to standardized encodings that can be written and read by many programming languages, JSON and XML are the obvious contenders. They are widely known, widely supported, and almost as widely disliked. XML is often criticized for being too verbose and unnecessarily complicated [ 9 ]. JSON’s popularity is mainly due to its built-in support in web browsers (by virtue of being a subset of JavaScript) and simplicity relative to XML. CSV is another popular language-independent format, albeit less powerful.
JSON, XML, and CSV are textual formats, and thus somewhat human-readable (although the syntax is a popular topic of debate). Besides the superficial syntactic issues, they also have some subtle problems:
JSON、XML 和 CSV 都是文本格式,因此在某种程度上可以被人类阅读(尽管语法是热门话题,容易引发争议)。除了表面的语法问题,它们还有一些微妙的问题。
There is a lot of ambiguity around the encoding of numbers. In XML and CSV, you cannot distinguish between a number and a string that happens to consist of digits (except by referring to an external schema). JSON distinguishes strings and numbers, but it doesn’t distinguish integers and floating-point numbers, and it doesn’t specify a precision.
This is a problem when dealing with large numbers; for example, integers greater than 2 53 cannot be exactly represented in an IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point number, so such numbers become inaccurate when parsed in a language that uses floating-point numbers (such as JavaScript). An example of numbers larger than 2 53 occurs on Twitter, which uses a 64-bit number to identify each tweet. The JSON returned by Twitter’s API includes tweet IDs twice, once as a JSON number and once as a decimal string, to work around the fact that the numbers are not correctly parsed by JavaScript applications [ 10 ].
处理大量数字时会遇到问题。例如,大于253的整数无法在IEEE 754双精度浮点数中准确表示,因此在使用浮点数(例如JavaScript)的语言中解析这些数字时,这些数字就会变得不准确。 Twitter上的数字就有大于253的情况,该网站使用64位数字来识别每个推文。 Twitter API返回的JSON包括推文ID两次,一次作为JSON数字,一次作为十进制字符串,以解决这些数字无法正确解析JavaScript应用程序的问题[10]。 处理大量数字时会遇到问题。例如,大于253的整数无法在IEEE 754双精度浮点数中准确表示,因此在使用浮点数(例如JavaScript)的语言中解析这些数字时,这些数字就会变得不准确。 Twitter上的数字就有大于253的情况,该网站使用64位数字来识别每个推文。 Twitter API返回的JSON包括推文ID两次,一次作为JSON数字,一次作为十进制字符串,以解决这些数字无法正确解析JavaScript应用程序的问题[10]。
JSON and XML have good support for Unicode character strings (i.e., human-readable text), but they don’t support binary strings (sequences of bytes without a character encoding). Binary strings are a useful feature, so people get around this limitation by encoding the binary data as text using Base64. The schema is then used to indicate that the value should be interpreted as Base64-encoded. This works, but it’s somewhat hacky and increases the data size by 33%.
There is optional schema support for both XML [ 11 ] and JSON [ 12 ]. These schema languages are quite powerful, and thus quite complicated to learn and implement. Use of XML schemas is fairly widespread, but many JSON-based tools don’t bother using schemas. Since the correct interpretation of data (such as numbers and binary strings) depends on information in the schema, applications that don’t use XML/JSON schemas need to potentially hardcode the appropriate encoding/decoding logic instead.
CSV does not have any schema, so it is up to the application to define the meaning of each row and column. If an application change adds a new row or column, you have to handle that change manually. CSV is also a quite vague format (what happens if a value contains a comma or a newline character?). Although its escaping rules have been formally specified [ 13 ], not all parsers implement them correctly.
CSV 没有任何模式, 因此应用程序需要定义每行和每列的含义。如果应用程序的更改添加了一个新行或新列,则必须手动处理。 CSV 也是一种相当模糊的格式(如果一个值包含逗号或换行符会发生什么?)。 尽管其转义规则已被正式指定,但并非所有解析器都正确实现了它们。
Despite these flaws, JSON, XML, and CSV are good enough for many purposes. It’s likely that they will remain popular, especially as data interchange formats (i.e., for sending data from one organization to another). In these situations, as long as people agree on what the format is, it often doesn’t matter how pretty or efficient the format is. The difficulty of getting different organizations to agree on anything outweighs most other concerns.
Binary encoding
For data that is used only internally within your organization, there is less pressure to use a lowest-common-denominator encoding format. For example, you could choose a format that is more compact or faster to parse. For a small dataset, the gains are negligible, but once you get into the terabytes, the choice of data format can have a big impact.
JSON is less verbose than XML, but both still use a lot of space compared to binary formats. This observation led to the development of a profusion of binary encodings for JSON (MessagePack, BSON, BJSON, UBJSON, BISON, and Smile, to name a few) and for XML (WBXML and Fast Infoset, for example). These formats have been adopted in various niches, but none of them are as widely adopted as the textual versions of JSON and XML.
JSON比XML更简洁,但与二进制格式相比,两者仍然使用很多空间。这个观察结果导致了大量针对JSON(如MessagePack、BSON、BJSON、UBJSON、BISON和Smile)和XML(例如WBXML和Fast Infoset)的二进制编码的开发。这些格式已被用于各种领域,但它们中没有一个像JSON和XML的文本版本那样被广泛采用。
Some of these formats extend the set of datatypes (e.g., distinguishing integers and floating-point numbers,
or adding support for binary strings), but otherwise they keep the JSON/XML data model unchanged. In
particular, since they don’t prescribe a schema, they need to include all the object field names within
the encoded data. That is, in a binary encoding of the JSON document in
Example 4-1
, they
will need to include the strings
, and
Example 4-1. Example record which we will encode in several binary formats in this chapter
Let’s look at an example of MessagePack, a binary encoding for JSON. Figure 4-1 shows the byte sequence that you get if you encode the JSON document in Example 4-1 with MessagePack [ 14 ]. The first few bytes are as follows:
让我们来看一个例子,MessagePack是一种用于JSON的二进制编码。图4-1显示了在MessagePack [14]中对Example 4-1中的JSON文档进行编码时所获得的字节序列。前几个字节如下:
The first byte,
, indicates that what follows is an object (top four bits =0x80
) with three fields (bottom four bits =0x03
). (In case you’re wondering what happens if an object has more than 15 fields, so that the number of fields doesn’t fit in four bits, it then gets a different type indicator, and the number of fields is encoded in two or four bytes.)第一个字节0x83表示接下来的内容是一个对象(高四位=0x80),有三个域(低四位=0x03)。如果你想知道对象有超过15个属性的情况下,没有办法用四位来编码属性的数量,那么就用不同的类型指示符,并用两个或四个字节来编码属性数量。
The second byte,
, indicates that what follows is a string (top four bits =0xa0
) that is eight bytes long (bottom four bits =0x08
The next eight bytes are the field name
in ASCII. Since the length was indicated previously, there’s no need for any marker to tell us where the string ends (or any escaping).下一个八个字节是ASCII码格式的字段名userName。由于长度已经先前标示,因此不需要任何标记来告诉我们字符串的结尾(或任何转义)。
The next seven bytes encode the six-letter string value
with a prefix0xa6
, and so on.下七个字节编码了带有0xa6前缀的六个字母字符串值Martin,以此类推。
The binary encoding is 66 bytes long, which is only a little less than the 81 bytes taken by the textual JSON encoding (with whitespace removed). All the binary encodings of JSON are similar in this regard. It’s not clear whether such a small space reduction (and perhaps a speedup in parsing) is worth the loss of human-readability.
In the following sections we will see how we can do much better, and encode the same record in just 32 bytes.

Figure 4-1. Example record ( Example 4-1 ) encoded using MessagePack.
Thrift and Protocol Buffers
Apache Thrift [ 15 ] and Protocol Buffers (protobuf) [ 16 ] are binary encoding libraries that are based on the same principle. Protocol Buffers was originally developed at Google, Thrift was originally developed at Facebook, and both were made open source in 2007–08 [ 17 ].
Apache Thrift和Protocol Buffers(protobuf)是基于相同原则的二进制编码库。Protocol Buffers最初在Google开发,Thrift最初在Facebook开发,并在2007-08年开源 [17]。
Both Thrift and Protocol Buffers require a schema for any data that is encoded. To encode the data in Example 4-1 in Thrift, you would describe the schema in the Thrift interface definition language (IDL) like this:
Thrift和Protocol Buffers都需要为编码的任何数据提供模式。为了在Thrift中编码Example 4-1中的数据,您需要使用Thrift接口定义语言(IDL)描述模式,如下所示:
The equivalent schema definition for Protocol Buffers looks very similar:
Protocol Buffers的等效模式定义看起来非常相似:
Thrift and Protocol Buffers each come with a code generation tool that takes a schema definition like the ones shown here, and produces classes that implement the schema in various programming languages [ 18 ]. Your application code can call this generated code to encode or decode records of the schema.
What does data encoded with this schema look like? Confusingly, Thrift has two different binary encoding formats, iii called BinaryProtocol and CompactProtocol , respectively. Let’s look at BinaryProtocol first. Encoding Example 4-1 in that format takes 59 bytes, as shown in Figure 4-2 [ 19 ].
使用此架構編碼的數據長什麼樣子?令人困惑的是,Thrift 有兩種不同的二進制編碼格式,分別稱為 BinaryProtocol 和 CompactProtocol。讓我們先看看 BinaryProtocol。在這種格式中,編碼示例 4-1 需要 59 個字節,如圖 4-2 所示。

Figure 4-2. Example record encoded using Thrift’s BinaryProtocol.
Similarly to Figure 4-1 , each field has a type annotation (to indicate whether it is a string, integer, list, etc.) and, where required, a length indication (length of a string, number of items in a list). The strings that appear in the data (“Martin”, “daydreaming”, “hacking”) are also encoded as ASCII (or rather, UTF-8), similar to before.
The big difference compared to
Figure 4-1
is that there are no field names
). Instead, the encoded data contains
field tags
, which
are numbers (
, and
). Those are the numbers that appear in the schema definition. Field tags
are like aliases for fields—they are a compact way of saying what field we’re talking about,
without having to spell out the field name.
The Thrift CompactProtocol encoding is semantically equivalent to BinaryProtocol, but as you can see in Figure 4-3 , it packs the same information into only 34 bytes. It does this by packing the field type and tag number into a single byte, and by using variable-length integers. Rather than using a full eight bytes for the number 1337, it is encoded in two bytes, with the top bit of each byte used to indicate whether there are still more bytes to come. This means numbers between –64 and 63 are encoded in one byte, numbers between –8192 and 8191 are encoded in two bytes, etc. Bigger numbers use more bytes.
Thrift CompactProtocol 编码与 BinaryProtocol 在语义上是等价的,但正如图 4-3 所示,它将相同的信息压缩到仅 34 字节内。它通过将字段类型和标记号码打包成单个字节,并使用可变长度整数来实现。它不是使用完整的八个字节来表示数字 1337,而是使用两个字节进行编码,每个字节的最高位用于指示是否还有更多的字节。这意味着在 -64 和 63 之间的数字在一个字节中编码,在 -8192 和 8191 之间的数字在两个字节中编码,以此类推。更大的数字使用更多的字节。

Figure 4-3. Example record encoded using Thrift’s CompactProtocol.
Finally, Protocol Buffers (which has only one binary encoding format) encodes the same data as shown in Figure 4-4 . It does the bit packing slightly differently, but is otherwise very similar to Thrift’s CompactProtocol. Protocol Buffers fits the same record in 33 bytes.

Figure 4-4. Example record encoded using Protocol Buffers.
One detail to note: in the schemas shown earlier, each field was marked either
, but
this makes no difference to how the field is encoded (nothing in the binary data indicates whether a
field was required). The difference is simply that
enables a runtime check that fails if
the field is not set, which can be useful for catching bugs.
Field tags and schema evolution
We said previously that schemas inevitably need to change over time. We call this schema evolution . How do Thrift and Protocol Buffers handle schema changes while keeping backward and forward compatibility?
As you can see from the examples, an encoded record is just the concatenation of its encoded fields.
Each field is identified by its tag number (the numbers
in the sample schemas) and
annotated with a datatype (e.g., string or integer). If a field value is not set, it is simply
omitted from the encoded record. From this you can see that field tags are critical to the meaning
of the encoded data. You can change the name of a field in the schema, since the encoded data never
refers to field names, but you cannot change a field’s tag, since that would make all existing
encoded data
You can add new fields to the schema, provided that you give each field a new tag number. If old code (which doesn’t know about the new tag numbers you added) tries to read data written by new code, including a new field with a tag number it doesn’t recognize, it can simply ignore that field. The datatype annotation allows the parser to determine how many bytes it needs to skip. This maintains forward compatibility: old code can read records that were written by new code.
如果您给每个字段分配新标签号,那么可以向模式添加新字段。如果旧代码(不知道您添加的新标签号)尝试读取由新代码编写的数据,包括使用无法识别的标签号的新字段,则可以简单地忽略该字段。数据类型注释允许解析器确定需要跳过多少字节。 这保持向前兼容性:旧代码可以读取由新代码编写的记录。
What about backward compatibility? As long as each field has a unique tag number, new code can always read old data, because the tag numbers still have the same meaning. The only detail is that if you add a new field, you cannot make it required. If you were to add a field and make it required, that check would fail if new code read data written by old code, because the old code will not have written the new field that you added. Therefore, to maintain backward compatibility, every field you add after the initial deployment of the schema must be optional or have a default value.
Removing a field is just like adding a field, with backward and forward compatibility concerns reversed. That means you can only remove a field that is optional (a required field can never be removed), and you can never use the same tag number again (because you may still have data written somewhere that includes the old tag number, and that field must be ignored by new code).
Datatypes and schema evolution
What about changing the datatype of a field? That may be possible—check the documentation for details—but there is a risk that values will lose precision or get truncated. For example, say you change a 32-bit integer into a 64-bit integer. New code can easily read data written by old code, because the parser can fill in any missing bits with zeros. However, if old code reads data written by new code, the old code is still using a 32-bit variable to hold the value. If the decoded 64-bit value won’t fit in 32 bits, it will be truncated.
A curious detail of Protocol Buffers is that it does not have a list or array datatype, but instead
has a
marker for fields (which is a third option alongside
). As
you can see in
Figure 4-4
, the encoding of a
field is just what it says on
the tin: the same field tag simply appears multiple times in the record. This has the nice effect
that it’s okay to change an
(single-valued) field into a
(multi-valued) field.
New code reading old data sees a list with zero or one elements (depending on whether the field was
present); old code reading new data sees only the last element of the list.
一个好奇的细节是,Protocol Buffers 没有列表或数组的数据类型,而是为字段添加了一个重复标记(这是 required 和 optional 之外的第三个选项)。如图 4-4 所示,重复字段的编码就像它的名字一样:同样的字段标签在记录中出现多次。这具有良好的效果,即可以将可选(单值)字段更改为重复的(多值)字段。读取旧数据的新代码会看到一个具有零个或一个元素的列表(取决于字段是否存在);读取新数据的旧代码只会看到列表的最后一个元素。
Thrift has a dedicated list datatype, which is parameterized with the datatype of the list elements. This does not allow the same evolution from single-valued to multi-valued as Protocol Buffers does, but it has the advantage of supporting nested lists.
Thrift有一个专用的列表数据类型,它带有列表元素的数据类型参数。与Protocol Buffers不同,它不允许从单值到多值的相同演变,但它支持嵌套列表的优点。
Apache Avro [ 20 ] is another binary encoding format that is interestingly different from Protocol Buffers and Thrift. It was started in 2009 as a subproject of Hadoop, as a result of Thrift not being a good fit for Hadoop’s use cases [ 21 ].
Apache Avro是另一种有趣而与Protocol Buffers和Thrift不同的二进制编码格式。它始于2009年,作为Hadoop的一个子项目,由于Thrift不适合Hadoop的用例而产生。
Avro also uses a schema to specify the structure of the data being encoded. It has two schema languages: one (Avro IDL) intended for human editing, and one (based on JSON) that is more easily machine-readable.
Avro还使用模式来指定被编码的数据的结构。它有两种模式语言:一种(Avro IDL)用于人类编辑,另一种(基于JSON的)更容易被机器读取。
Our example schema, written in Avro IDL, might look like this:
我们的示例模式,使用Avro IDL编写,可能如下所示:
The equivalent JSON representation of that schema is as follows:
First of all, notice that there are no tag numbers in the schema. If we encode our example record ( Example 4-1 ) using this schema, the Avro binary encoding is just 32 bytes long—the most compact of all the encodings we have seen. The breakdown of the encoded byte sequence is shown in Figure 4-5 .
If you examine the byte sequence, you can see that there is nothing to identify fields or their datatypes. The encoding simply consists of values concatenated together. A string is just a length prefix followed by UTF-8 bytes, but there’s nothing in the encoded data that tells you that it is a string. It could just as well be an integer, or something else entirely. An integer is encoded using a variable-length encoding (the same as Thrift’s CompactProtocol).

Figure 4-5. Example record encoded using Avro.
To parse the binary data, you go through the fields in the order that they appear in the schema and use the schema to tell you the datatype of each field. This means that the binary data can only be decoded correctly if the code reading the data is using the exact same schema as the code that wrote the data. Any mismatch in the schema between the reader and the writer would mean incorrectly decoded data.
So, how does Avro support schema evolution?
The writer’s schema and the reader’s schema
With Avro, when an application wants to encode some data (to write it to a file or database, to send it over the network, etc.), it encodes the data using whatever version of the schema it knows about—for example, that schema may be compiled into the application. This is known as the writer’s schema .
当一个应用程序想要对一些数据进行编码(写入文件或数据库,通过网络发送等),使用Avro,它会使用任何它知道的模式版本来对数据进行编码 - 例如,该模式可能已编译到应用程序中。这被称为编写者的模式。
When an application wants to decode some data (read it from a file or database, receive it from the network, etc.), it is expecting the data to be in some schema, which is known as the reader’s schema . That is the schema the application code is relying on—code may have been generated from that schema during the application’s build process.
The key idea with Avro is that the writer’s schema and the reader’s schema don’t have to be the same —they only need to be compatible. When data is decoded (read), the Avro library resolves the differences by looking at the writer’s schema and the reader’s schema side by side and translating the data from the writer’s schema into the reader’s schema. The Avro specification [ 20 ] defines exactly how this resolution works, and it is illustrated in Figure 4-6 .
Avro的关键思想是,编写者的模式和读者的模式不必相同-它们只需要兼容。当数据被解码(读取)时,Avro库通过并排查看编写者的模式和读者的模式并将数据从编写者的模式转换为读者的模式来解决差异。 Avro规范明确定义了这种解析方式,并在图4-6中进行了说明。
For example, it’s no problem if the writer’s schema and the reader’s schema have their fields in a different order, because the schema resolution matches up the fields by field name. If the code reading the data encounters a field that appears in the writer’s schema but not in the reader’s schema, it is ignored. If the code reading the data expects some field, but the writer’s schema does not contain a field of that name, it is filled in with a default value declared in the reader’s schema.

Figure 4-6. An Avro reader resolves differences between the writer’s schema and the reader’s schema.
Schema evolution rules
With Avro, forward compatibility means that you can have a new version of the schema as writer and an old version of the schema as reader. Conversely, backward compatibility means that you can have a new version of the schema as reader and an old version as writer.
使用 Avro,向前兼容性意味着可以将新版本的模式作为写入者,并将旧版本的模式作为读取者。反之,向后兼容性意味着可以将新版本的模式作为读取者,并将旧版本的模式作为写入者。
To maintain compatibility, you may only add or remove a field that has a default value. (The field
in our Avro schema has a default value of
.) For example, say you add a
field with a default value, so this new field exists in the new schema but not the old one. When a
reader using the new schema reads a record written with the old schema, the default value is filled
in for the missing field.
If you were to add a field that has no default value, new readers wouldn’t be able to read data written by old writers, so you would break backward compatibility. If you were to remove a field that has no default value, old readers wouldn’t be able to read data written by new writers, so you would break forward compatibility.
In some programming languages,
is an acceptable default for any variable, but this is not the
case in Avro: if you want to allow a field to be null, you have to use a
union type
. For example,
union { null, long, string } field;
indicates that
can be a number, or a string, or null.
You can only use
as a default value if it is one of the branches of the
This is a little more verbose than having
everything nullable by default, but it helps prevent bugs by being explicit about what can and
cannot be null [
在一些编程语言中,null 是任何变量的可接受默认值,但在 Avro 中不是这种情况:如果您想要允许某个字段为空,则必须使用联合类型。例如,union {null,long,string} field; 表示字段可以是数字、字符串或 null。只有当 null 是联合类型的一个分支时,才能将其用作默认值。这比默认情况下所有内容都可为空要冗长一些,但通过明确规定哪些内容可以为空以及哪些内容不可以为空可以帮助预防出现错误 [22]。
Consequently, Avro doesn’t have
markers in the same way as Protocol
Buffers and Thrift do (it has union types and default values instead).
因此,Avro没有像Protocol Buffers和Thrift那样的可选和必需标记(它有联合类型和默认值)。
Changing the datatype of a field is possible, provided that Avro can convert the type. Changing the name of a field is possible but a little tricky: the reader’s schema can contain aliases for field names, so it can match an old writer’s schema field names against the aliases. This means that changing a field name is backward compatible but not forward compatible. Similarly, adding a branch to a union type is backward compatible but not forward compatible.
But what is the writer’s schema?
There is an important question that we’ve glossed over so far: how does the reader know the writer’s schema with which a particular piece of data was encoded? We can’t just include the entire schema with every record, because the schema would likely be much bigger than the encoded data, making all the space savings from the binary encoding futile.
The answer depends on the context in which Avro is being used. To give a few examples:
- Large file with lots of records
A common use for Avro—especially in the context of Hadoop—is for storing a large file containing millions of records, all encoded with the same schema. (We will discuss this kind of situation in Chapter 10 .) In this case, the writer of that file can just include the writer’s schema once at the beginning of the file. Avro specifies a file format (object container files) to do this.
- Database with individually written records
In a database, different records may be written at different points in time using different writer’s schemas—you cannot assume that all the records will have the same schema. The simplest solution is to include a version number at the beginning of every encoded record, and to keep a list of schema versions in your database. A reader can fetch a record, extract the version number, and then fetch the writer’s schema for that version number from the database. Using that writer’s schema, it can decode the rest of the record. (Espresso [ 23 ] works this way, for example.)
在数据库中,不同的记录可能使用不同的编写者模式在不同的时间点编写 - 您不能假设所有记录都具有相同的模式。最简单的解决方案是在每个编码记录的开头包含一个版本号,并在数据库中保留模式版本列表。读取器可以获取记录,提取版本号,然后从数据库中获取该版本号的编写者模式。使用该编写者模式,它可以解码其余的记录。(例如 Espresso 以此方式工作。)
- Sending records over a network connection
When two processes are communicating over a bidirectional network connection, they can negotiate the schema version on connection setup and then use that schema for the lifetime of the connection. The Avro RPC protocol (see “Dataflow Through Services: REST and RPC” ) works like this.
当两个进程通过双向网络连接通信时,它们可以在连接设置期间协商模式版本,然后在连接的整个生命周期内使用该模式。Avro RPC协议(请参见“服务的数据流:REST和RPC”)是这样工作的。
A database of schema versions is a useful thing to have in any case, since it acts as documentation and gives you a chance to check schema compatibility [ 24 ]. As the version number, you could use a simple incrementing integer, or you could use a hash of the schema.
Dynamically generated schemas
One advantage of Avro’s approach, compared to Protocol Buffers and Thrift, is that the schema doesn’t contain any tag numbers. But why is this important? What’s the problem with keeping a couple of numbers in the schema?
Avro的做法相对于Protocol Buffers和Thrift的优势之一就是模式中没有任何标签号。但这为什么重要呢?把几个数字写进模式有什么问题呢? Avro的优势在于它不需要使用标签号进行编码,这样就可以避免出现不必要的翻译错误。
The difference is that Avro is friendlier to dynamically generated schemas. For example, say you have a relational database whose contents you want to dump to a file, and you want to use a binary format to avoid the aforementioned problems with textual formats (JSON, CSV, SQL). If you use Avro, you can fairly easily generate an Avro schema (in the JSON representation we saw earlier) from the relational schema and encode the database contents using that schema, dumping it all to an Avro object container file [ 25 ]. You generate a record schema for each database table, and each column becomes a field in that record. The column name in the database maps to the field name in Avro.
Now, if the database schema changes (for example, a table has one column added and one column removed), you can just generate a new Avro schema from the updated database schema and export data in the new Avro schema. The data export process does not need to pay any attention to the schema change—it can simply do the schema conversion every time it runs. Anyone who reads the new data files will see that the fields of the record have changed, but since the fields are identified by name, the updated writer’s schema can still be matched up with the old reader’s schema.
现在,如果数据库模式发生变化(例如,添加了一列和删除了一列),您只需从更新的数据库模式生成一个新的Avro模式,并按新的Avro模式导出数据。数据导出过程不需要关注模式变化 - 它可以每次运行时进行模式转换。读取新数据文件的任何人都会看到记录的字段已更改,但由于字段是通过名称标识的,因此更新的写入器模式仍然可以与旧的读者模式匹配。
By contrast, if you were using Thrift or Protocol Buffers for this purpose, the field tags would likely have to be assigned by hand: every time the database schema changes, an administrator would have to manually update the mapping from database column names to field tags. (It might be possible to automate this, but the schema generator would have to be very careful to not assign previously used field tags.) This kind of dynamically generated schema simply wasn’t a design goal of Thrift or Protocol Buffers, whereas it was for Avro.
相比之下,如果您使用Thrift或Protocol Buffers来实现此目的,字段标签很可能需要手动分配:每当数据库模式更改时,管理员都必须手动更新从数据库列名称到字段标签的映射。(这可能是可以自动化的,但模式生成器必须非常小心,以不分配先前使用过的字段标签。)这种动态生成的模式根本不是Thrift或Protocol Buffers的设计目标,但却是Avro的设计目标。
Code generation and dynamically typed languages
Thrift and Protocol Buffers rely on code generation: after a schema has been defined, you can generate code that implements this schema in a programming language of your choice. This is useful in statically typed languages such as Java, C++, or C#, because it allows efficient in-memory structures to be used for decoded data, and it allows type checking and autocompletion in IDEs when writing programs that access the data structures.
In dynamically typed programming languages such as JavaScript, Ruby, or Python, there is not much point in generating code, since there is no compile-time type checker to satisfy. Code generation is often frowned upon in these languages, since they otherwise avoid an explicit compilation step. Moreover, in the case of a dynamically generated schema (such as an Avro schema generated from a database table), code generation is an unnecessarily obstacle to getting to the data.
Avro provides optional code generation for statically typed programming languages, but it can be used just as well without any code generation. If you have an object container file (which embeds the writer’s schema), you can simply open it using the Avro library and look at the data in the same way as you could look at a JSON file. The file is self-describing since it includes all the necessary metadata.
This property is especially useful in conjunction with dynamically typed data processing languages like Apache Pig [ 26 ]. In Pig, you can just open some Avro files, start analyzing them, and write derived datasets to output files in Avro format without even thinking about schemas.
这个属性在动态类型的数据处理语言,比如Apache Pig[26]方面非常有用。在Pig中,你可以直接打开一些Avro文件,开始分析它们,并把得出的数据集以Avro格式写入输出文件,而无需考虑模式。
The Merits of Schemas
As we saw, Protocol Buffers, Thrift, and Avro all use a schema to describe a binary encoding format. Their schema languages are much simpler than XML Schema or JSON Schema, which support much more detailed validation rules (e.g., “the string value of this field must match this regular expression” or “the integer value of this field must be between 0 and 100”). As Protocol Buffers, Thrift, and Avro are simpler to implement and simpler to use, they have grown to support a fairly wide range of programming languages.
正如我们所看到的,Protocol Buffers,Thrift和Avro都使用模式来描述二进制编码格式。他们的模式语言比XML Schema或JSON Schema简单得多,但支持更详细的验证规则(例如,“此字段的字符串值必须与此正则表达式匹配”或“此字段的整数值必须在0和100之间”)。由于Protocol Buffers,Thrift和Avro更易于实现和使用,它们已经发展成为支持相当广泛的编程语言。
The ideas on which these encodings are based are by no means new. For example, they have a lot in common with ASN.1, a schema definition language that was first standardized in 1984 [ 27 ]. It was used to define various network protocols, and its binary encoding (DER) is still used to encode SSL certificates (X.509), for example [ 28 ]. ASN.1 supports schema evolution using tag numbers, similar to Protocol Buffers and Thrift [ 29 ]. However, it’s also very complex and badly documented, so ASN.1 is probably not a good choice for new applications.
这些编码所基于的想法并不是新概念。例如,它们与 ASN.1 有很多共同点,这是一种模式定义语言,于 1984 年首次标准化[27]。它被用于定义各种网络协议,其二进制编码(DER)仍然用于编码 SSL 证书(X.509)等[28]。ASN.1 支持使用标签号进行模式演化,类似于 Protocol Buffers 和 Thrift[29]。但是,ASN.1 也非常复杂,文档不完整,因此 ASN.1 对于新应用程序可能不是一个好的选择。
Many data systems also implement some kind of proprietary binary encoding for their data. For example, most relational databases have a network protocol over which you can send queries to the database and get back responses. Those protocols are generally specific to a particular database, and the database vendor provides a driver (e.g., using the ODBC or JDBC APIs) that decodes responses from the database’s network protocol into in-memory data structures.
许多数据系统还实现了某种专有的二进制编码来处理其数据。例如,大多数关系型数据库都有一种网络协议,您可以通过该协议发送查询到数据库并获取响应。这些协议通常是特定于特定数据库的,并且数据库供应商提供了一个驱动程序(例如使用ODBC或JDBC API),该驱动程序将数据库的网络协议解码为内存中的数据结构。
So, we can see that although textual data formats such as JSON, XML, and CSV are widespread, binary encodings based on schemas are also a viable option. They have a number of nice properties:
They can be much more compact than the various “binary JSON” variants, since they can omit field names from the encoded data.
The schema is a valuable form of documentation, and because the schema is required for decoding, you can be sure that it is up to date (whereas manually maintained documentation may easily diverge from reality).
Keeping a database of schemas allows you to check forward and backward compatibility of schema changes, before anything is deployed.
For users of statically typed programming languages, the ability to generate code from the schema is useful, since it enables type checking at compile time.
In summary, schema evolution allows the same kind of flexibility as schemaless/schema-on-read JSON databases provide (see “Schema flexibility in the document model” ), while also providing better guarantees about your data and better tooling.
Modes of Dataflow
At the beginning of this chapter we said that whenever you want to send some data to another process with which you don’t share memory—for example, whenever you want to send data over the network or write it to a file—you need to encode it as a sequence of bytes. We then discussed a variety of different encodings for doing this.
We talked about forward and backward compatibility, which are important for evolvability (making change easy by allowing you to upgrade different parts of your system independently, and not having to change everything at once). Compatibility is a relationship between one process that encodes the data, and another process that decodes it.
That’s a fairly abstract idea—there are many ways data can flow from one process to another. Who encodes the data, and who decodes it? In the rest of this chapter we will explore some of the most common ways how data flows between processes:
Via databases (see “Dataflow Through Databases” )
Via service calls (see “Dataflow Through Services: REST and RPC” )
Via asynchronous message passing (see “Message-Passing Dataflow” )
Dataflow Through Databases
In a database, the process that writes to the database encodes the data, and the process that reads from the database decodes it. There may just be a single process accessing the database, in which case the reader is simply a later version of the same process—in that case you can think of storing something in the database as sending a message to your future self .
Backward compatibility is clearly necessary here; otherwise your future self won’t be able to decode what you previously wrote.
In general, it’s common for several different processes to be accessing a database at the same time. Those processes might be several different applications or services, or they may simply be several instances of the same service (running in parallel for scalability or fault tolerance). Either way, in an environment where the application is changing, it is likely that some processes accessing the database will be running newer code and some will be running older code—for example because a new version is currently being deployed in a rolling upgrade, so some instances have been updated while others haven’t yet.
This means that a value in the database may be written by a newer version of the code, and subsequently read by an older version of the code that is still running. Thus, forward compatibility is also often required for databases.
However, there is an additional snag. Say you add a field to a record schema, and the newer code writes a value for that new field to the database. Subsequently, an older version of the code (which doesn’t yet know about the new field) reads the record, updates it, and writes it back. In this situation, the desirable behavior is usually for the old code to keep the new field intact, even though it couldn’t be interpreted.
The encoding formats discussed previously support such preservation of unknown fields, but sometimes you need to take care at an application level, as illustrated in Figure 4-7 . For example, if you decode a database value into model objects in the application, and later reencode those model objects, the unknown field might be lost in that translation process. Solving this is not a hard problem; you just need to be aware of it.

Figure 4-7. When an older version of the application updates data previously written by a newer version of the application, data may be lost if you’re not careful.
Different values written at different times
A database generally allows any value to be updated at any time. This means that within a single database you may have some values that were written five milliseconds ago, and some values that were written five years ago.
When you deploy a new version of your application (of a server-side application, at least), you may entirely replace the old version with the new version within a few minutes. The same is not true of database contents: the five-year-old data will still be there, in the original encoding, unless you have explicitly rewritten it since then. This observation is sometimes summed up as data outlives code .
Rewriting (
) data into a new schema is certainly possible, but it’s an expensive thing to
do on a large dataset, so most databases avoid it if possible. Most relational databases allow
simple schema changes, such as adding a new column with a
default value, without rewriting
existing data.
When an old row is
read, the database fills in
s for any columns that are missing from the encoded data on disk.
LinkedIn’s document database Espresso uses Avro for storage, allowing it to use Avro’s schema
evolution rules [
将数据重写(迁移)到新模式中肯定是可能的,但对于大型数据集而言是一项昂贵的工作,因此大多数数据库在可能的情况下避免这种情况。大多数关系型数据库允许简单的模式更改,例如添加一个默认值为 null 的新列,而无需重写现有数据。当读取旧行时,数据库会自动为任何缺失的列填充 null。 LinkedIn 的文档数据库 Espresso 使用 Avro 进行存储,从而可以使用 Avro 的模式演化规则[23]。
Schema evolution thus allows the entire database to appear as if it was encoded with a single schema, even though the underlying storage may contain records encoded with various historical versions of the schema.
Archival storage
Perhaps you take a snapshot of your database from time to time, say for backup purposes or for loading into a data warehouse (see “Data Warehousing” ). In this case, the data dump will typically be encoded using the latest schema, even if the original encoding in the source database contained a mixture of schema versions from different eras. Since you’re copying the data anyway, you might as well encode the copy of the data consistently.
As the data dump is written in one go and is thereafter immutable, formats like Avro object container files are a good fit. This is also a good opportunity to encode the data in an analytics-friendly column-oriented format such as Parquet (see “Column Compression” ).
In Chapter 10 we will talk more about using data in archival storage.
Dataflow Through Services: REST and RPC
When you have processes that need to communicate over a network, there are a few different ways of arranging that communication. The most common arrangement is to have two roles: clients and servers . The servers expose an API over the network, and the clients can connect to the servers to make requests to that API. The API exposed by the server is known as a service .
The web works this way: clients (web browsers) make requests to web servers, making
to download HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, etc., and making
requests to submit data to the
server. The API consists of a standardized set of protocols and data formats (HTTP, URLs, SSL/TLS,
HTML, etc.). Because web browsers, web servers, and website authors mostly agree on these standards,
you can use any web browser to access any website (at least in theory!).
Web browsers are not the only type of client. For example, a native app running on a mobile device or a desktop computer can also make network requests to a server, and a client-side JavaScript application running inside a web browser can use XMLHttpRequest to become an HTTP client (this technique is known as Ajax [ 30 ]). In this case, the server’s response is typically not HTML for displaying to a human, but rather data in an encoding that is convenient for further processing by the client-side application code (such as JSON). Although HTTP may be used as the transport protocol, the API implemented on top is application-specific, and the client and server need to agree on the details of that API.
网络浏览器并非唯一的客户端类型。例如,运行在移动设备或台式计算机上的本地应用程序也可以向服务器发送网络请求,而在 Web 浏览器内运行的客户端 JavaScript 应用程序可以使用 XMLHttpRequest 变成 HTTP 客户端(这种技术称为 Ajax [30])。 在这种情况下,服务器的响应通常不是用于向人显示的 HTML,而是以一种对客户端端应用程序代码进一步处理方便的编码形式呈现的数据(例如 JSON)。虽然 HTTP 可以用作传输协议,但在其上实现的 API 是应用程序特定的,客户端和服务器需要就该 API 的详细信息达成一致。
Moreover, a server can itself be a client to another service (for example, a typical web app server acts as client to a database). This approach is often used to decompose a large application into smaller services by area of functionality, such that one service makes a request to another when it requires some functionality or data from that other service. This way of building applications has traditionally been called a service-oriented architecture (SOA), more recently refined and rebranded as microservices architecture [ 31 , 32 ].
In some ways, services are similar to databases: they typically allow clients to submit and query data. However, while databases allow arbitrary queries using the query languages we discussed in Chapter 2 , services expose an application-specific API that only allows inputs and outputs that are predetermined by the business logic (application code) of the service [ 33 ]. This restriction provides a degree of encapsulation: services can impose fine-grained restrictions on what clients can and cannot do.
A key design goal of a service-oriented/microservices architecture is to make the application easier to change and maintain by making services independently deployable and evolvable. For example, each service should be owned by one team, and that team should be able to release new versions of the service frequently, without having to coordinate with other teams. In other words, we should expect old and new versions of servers and clients to be running at the same time, and so the data encoding used by servers and clients must be compatible across versions of the service API—precisely what we’ve been talking about in this chapter.
服务导向/微服务架构的一个主要设计目标是通过使服务独立部署和演化来使应用程序更易于修改和维护。例如,每个服务应由一个团队拥有,并且该团队应能够频繁发布该服务的新版本,而无需与其他团队协调。换句话说,我们应该期望旧版和新版服务器和客户端同时运行,因此服务器和客户端使用的数据编码必须在服务API的各个版本中兼容 - 这正是我们在本章中谈论的内容。
Web services
When HTTP is used as the underlying protocol for talking to the service, it is called a web service . This is perhaps a slight misnomer, because web services are not only used on the web, but in several different contexts. For example:
A client application running on a user’s device (e.g., a native app on a mobile device, or JavaScript web app using Ajax) making requests to a service over HTTP. These requests typically go over the public internet.
用户设备上运行的客户端应用程序(例如移动设备上的本机应用程序或使用Ajax的JavaScript Web应用程序),通过HTTP向服务发出请求。这些请求通常通过公共互联网进行。
One service making requests to another service owned by the same organization, often located within the same datacenter, as part of a service-oriented/microservices architecture. (Software that supports this kind of use case is sometimes called middleware .)
One service making requests to a service owned by a different organization, usually via the internet. This is used for data exchange between different organizations’ backend systems. This category includes public APIs provided by online services, such as credit card processing systems, or OAuth for shared access to user data.
There are two popular approaches to web services: REST and SOAP . They are almost diametrically opposed in terms of philosophy, and often the subject of heated debate among their respective proponents. vi
有两种流行的 Web 服务方法:REST 和 SOAP。它们在哲学上几乎是完全相反的,常常是各自支持者之间的激烈辩论的主题。
REST is not a protocol, but rather a design philosophy that builds upon the principles of HTTP [ 34 , 35 ]. It emphasizes simple data formats, using URLs for identifying resources and using HTTP features for cache control, authentication, and content type negotiation. REST has been gaining popularity compared to SOAP, at least in the context of cross-organizational service integration [ 36 ], and is often associated with microservices [ 31 ]. An API designed according to the principles of REST is called RESTful .
REST不是一种协议,而是一种基于HTTP原则的设计哲学。 它强调使用简单的数据格式,使用URL来识别资源,并利用HTTP的缓存控制、认证和内容类型协商等特性。与SOAP相比,REST在跨组织服务集成的上下文中越来越受欢迎,并经常与微服务相关联。 根据REST原则设计的API称为RESTful。
By contrast, SOAP is an XML-based protocol for making network API requests. vii Although it is most commonly used over HTTP, it aims to be independent from HTTP and avoids using most HTTP features. Instead, it comes with a sprawling and complex multitude of related standards (the web service framework , known as WS-* ) that add various features [ 37 ].
The API of a SOAP web service is described using an XML-based language called the Web Services Description Language, or WSDL. WSDL enables code generation so that a client can access a remote service using local classes and method calls (which are encoded to XML messages and decoded again by the framework). This is useful in statically typed programming languages, but less so in dynamically typed ones (see “Code generation and dynamically typed languages” ).
SOAP网络服务的API是使用名为Web Services Description Language或WSDL的基于XML的语言来描述的。 WSDL使代码生成成为可能,以便客户端可以使用本地类和方法调用访问远程 服务(这些调用被编码为XML消息,并由框架进行解码)。 这对于静态类型的编程语言很有用,但在动态 类型的编程语言中不太有用(请参见“代码生成和动态类型的语言”)。
As WSDL is not designed to be human-readable, and as SOAP messages are often too complex to construct manually, users of SOAP rely heavily on tool support, code generation, and IDEs [ 38 ]. For users of programming languages that are not supported by SOAP vendors, integration with SOAP services is difficult.
由于 WSDL 不是以人类可读的方式设计的,而且 SOAP 消息经常太复杂而无法手工构造,因此使用 SOAP 的用户严重依赖工具支持、代码生成和 IDE [38]。对于不受 SOAP 供应商支持的编程语言用户来说,与 SOAP 服务集成是困难的。
Even though SOAP and its various extensions are ostensibly standardized, interoperability between different vendors’ implementations often causes problems [ 39 ]. For all of these reasons, although SOAP is still used in many large enterprises, it has fallen out of favor in most smaller companies.
RESTful APIs tend to favor simpler approaches, typically involving less code generation and automated tooling. A definition format such as OpenAPI, also known as Swagger [ 40 ], can be used to describe RESTful APIs and produce documentation.
RESTful APIs倾向于采用简单的方法,通常涉及较少的代码生成和自动化工具。定义格式,例如OpenAPI,也称为Swagger [40],可用于描述RESTful APIs并生成文档。
The problems with remote procedure calls (RPCs)
Web services are merely the latest incarnation of a long line of technologies for making API requests over a network, many of which received a lot of hype but have serious problems. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) and Java’s Remote Method Invocation (RMI) are limited to Java. The Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) is limited to Microsoft platforms. The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is excessively complex, and does not provide backward or forward compatibility [ 41 ].
网络服务仅是一系列通过网络进行API请求的技术中最新的一种,其中许多技术受到过大量宣传,但存在严重问题。企业JavaBeans(EJB) 和Java的远程方法调用(RMI)仅限于Java。分布式组件对象模型(DCOM)仅限于微软平台。通用对象请求代理架构(CORBA)过于复杂,并且不提供向前或向后兼容性[41]。
All of these are based on the idea of a remote procedure call (RPC), which has been around since the 1970s [ 42 ]. The RPC model tries to make a request to a remote network service look the same as calling a function or method in your programming language, within the same process (this abstraction is called location transparency ). Although RPC seems convenient at first, the approach is fundamentally flawed [ 43 , 44 ]. A network request is very different from a local function call:
所有这些都是基于远程过程调用(RPC)的概念,自1970年代以来一直存在[42]。 RPC模型试图使对远程网络服务的请求看起来与在同一进程中调用函数或方法相同(这个抽象称为位置透明度)。尽管RPC乍一看似乎很方便,但这种方法在根本上存在缺陷[43,44]。 网络请求与本地函数调用非常不同:
A local function call is predictable and either succeeds or fails, depending only on parameters that are under your control. A network request is unpredictable: the request or response may be lost due to a network problem, or the remote machine may be slow or unavailable, and such problems are entirely outside of your control. Network problems are common, so you have to anticipate them, for example by retrying a failed request.
A local function call either returns a result, or throws an exception, or never returns (because it goes into an infinite loop or the process crashes). A network request has another possible outcome: it may return without a result, due to a timeout . In that case, you simply don’t know what happened: if you don’t get a response from the remote service, you have no way of knowing whether the request got through or not. (We discuss this issue in more detail in Chapter 8 .)
本地函数调用可能会返回结果,也可能会抛出异常,或者永远不会返回(因为进入无限循环或进程崩溃)。网络请求还有另一种可能的结果:由于超时而返回而没有结果。在这种情况下,你只是不知道发生了什么:如果你没有从远程服务收到响应,你就没有办法知道请求是否已经通过了。 (我们将在第8章中更详细地讨论这个问题。)
If you retry a failed network request, it could happen that the requests are actually getting through, and only the responses are getting lost. In that case, retrying will cause the action to be performed multiple times, unless you build a mechanism for deduplication ( idempotence ) into the protocol. Local function calls don’t have this problem. (We discuss idempotence in more detail in Chapter 11 .)
Every time you call a local function, it normally takes about the same time to execute. A network request is much slower than a function call, and its latency is also wildly variable: at good times it may complete in less than a millisecond, but when the network is congested or the remote service is overloaded it may take many seconds to do exactly the same thing.
When you call a local function, you can efficiently pass it references (pointers) to objects in local memory. When you make a network request, all those parameters need to be encoded into a sequence of bytes that can be sent over the network. That’s okay if the parameters are primitives like numbers or strings, but quickly becomes problematic with larger objects.
The client and the service may be implemented in different programming languages, so the RPC framework must translate datatypes from one language into another. This can end up ugly, since not all languages have the same types—recall JavaScript’s problems with numbers greater than 2 53 , for example (see “JSON, XML, and Binary Variants” ). This problem doesn’t exist in a single process written in a single language.
All of these factors mean that there’s no point trying to make a remote service look too much like a local object in your programming language, because it’s a fundamentally different thing. Part of the appeal of REST is that it doesn’t try to hide the fact that it’s a network protocol (although this doesn’t seem to stop people from building RPC libraries on top of REST).
所有这些因素意味着,在编程语言中没有必要试图让远程服务看起来过于像本地对象,因为它是完全不同的东西。 REST 的吸引力之一在于它不试图隐藏它是一个网络协议的事实(尽管这似乎并不能阻止人们在 REST 之上构建 RPC 库)。
Current directions for RPC
Despite all these problems, RPC isn’t going away. Various RPC frameworks have been built on top of all the encodings mentioned in this chapter: for example, Thrift and Avro come with RPC support included, gRPC is an RPC implementation using Protocol Buffers, Finagle also uses Thrift, and Rest.li uses JSON over HTTP.
尽管存在这些问题,RPC并不会消失。各种RPC框架已经基于本章提到的所有编码方式构建:例如,Thrift和Avro包含了RPC支持,gRPC是使用Protocol Buffers实现的RPC实施,Finagle还使用Thrift,而Rest.li使用JSON over HTTP。
This new generation of RPC frameworks is more explicit about the fact that a remote request is different from a local function call. For example, Finagle and Rest.li use futures ( promises ) to encapsulate asynchronous actions that may fail. Futures also simplify situations where you need to make requests to multiple services in parallel, and combine their results [ 45 ]. gRPC supports streams , where a call consists of not just one request and one response, but a series of requests and responses over time [ 46 ].
这一新一代的RPC框架更明确地表明远程请求与本地函数调用是不同的。例如,Finagle和Rest.li使用futures(承诺)来封装可能失败的异步操作。Futures还简化了需要并行向多个服务发出请求并合并其结果的情况[45]。 gRPC支持流式传输,在这种情况下,一个调用不仅仅包括一个请求和一个响应,还包括随时间的一系列请求和响应[46]。
Some of these frameworks also provide service discovery —that is, allowing a client to find out at which IP address and port number it can find a particular service. We will return to this topic in “Request Routing” .
其中一些框架还提供服务发现功能,即允许客户端查找特定服务的 IP 地址和端口号。我们在“请求路由”中会再次探讨这个话题。
Custom RPC protocols with a binary encoding format can achieve better performance than something
generic like JSON over REST. However, a RESTful API has other significant advantages: it is good for
experimentation and debugging (you can simply make requests to it using a web browser or the
command-line tool
, without any code generation or software installation), it is supported by
all mainstream programming languages and platforms, and there is a vast ecosystem of tools available (servers,
caches, load balancers, proxies, firewalls, monitoring, debugging tools, testing tools, etc.).
采用二进制编码格式的自定义RPC协议可以比通用的JSON over REST实现更好的性能。然而,RESTful API有其他重要的优势:它适用于实验和调试(您可以使用Web浏览器或命令行工具curl轻松地对其进行请求,无需任何代码生成或软件安装),它被所有主流编程语言和平台支持,并且有大量的工具生态系统可用(服务器、缓存、负载平衡器、代理、防火墙、监控、调试工具、测试工具等等)。
For these reasons, REST seems to be the predominant style for public APIs. The main focus of RPC frameworks is on requests between services owned by the same organization, typically within the same datacenter.
因此,REST似乎是公共API的主要风格。 RPC框架的主要重点是同一组织拥有的服务之间的请求,通常位于相同的数据中心。
Data encoding and evolution for RPC
For evolvability, it is important that RPC clients and servers can be changed and deployed independently. Compared to data flowing through databases (as described in the last section), we can make a simplifying assumption in the case of dataflow through services: it is reasonable to assume that all the servers will be updated first, and all the clients second. Thus, you only need backward compatibility on requests, and forward compatibility on responses.
The backward and forward compatibility properties of an RPC scheme are inherited from whatever encoding it uses:
Thrift, gRPC (Protocol Buffers), and Avro RPC can be evolved according to the compatibility rules of the respective encoding format.
Thrift、gRPC(Protocol Buffers)和Avro RPC都可以根据各自编码格式的兼容性规则进行升级。
In SOAP, requests and responses are specified with XML schemas. These can be evolved, but there are some subtle pitfalls [ 47 ].
RESTful APIs most commonly use JSON (without a formally specified schema) for responses, and JSON or URI-encoded/form-encoded request parameters for requests. Adding optional request parameters and adding new fields to response objects are usually considered changes that maintain compatibility.
RESTful API 最常用 JSON(没有正式指定的模式)作为响应,JSON 或 URI 编码/表单编码请求参数作为请求。添加可选请求参数和向响应对象添加新字段通常被认为是保持兼容性的变化。
Service compatibility is made harder by the fact that RPC is often used for communication across organizational boundaries, so the provider of a service often has no control over its clients and cannot force them to upgrade. Thus, compatibility needs to be maintained for a long time, perhaps indefinitely. If a compatibility-breaking change is required, the service provider often ends up maintaining multiple versions of the service API side by side.
There is no agreement on how API versioning should work (i.e., how a client can indicate which
version of the API it wants to use [
]). For RESTful APIs, common approaches are to use a version
number in the URL or in the HTTP
header. For services that use API keys to identify a
particular client, another option is to store a client’s requested API version on the server and to
allow this version selection to be updated through a separate administrative interface
API版本问题没有明确的协议,也就是说客户端如何指定要使用API的哪个版本[48]. 对于RESTful API,常见的方法是在URL或HTTP Accept头中使用版本号。对于使用API密钥标识特定客户端的服务,另一个选择是在服务器上存储客户端请求的API版本,并允许通过单独的管理接口更新此版本选择[49].
Message-Passing Dataflow
We have been looking at the different ways encoded data flows from one process to another. So far, we’ve discussed REST and RPC (where one process sends a request over the network to another process and expects a response as quickly as possible), and databases (where one process writes encoded data, and another process reads it again sometime in the future).
In this final section, we will briefly look at asynchronous message-passing systems, which are somewhere between RPC and databases. They are similar to RPC in that a client’s request (usually called a message ) is delivered to another process with low latency. They are similar to databases in that the message is not sent via a direct network connection, but goes via an intermediary called a message broker (also called a message queue or message-oriented middleware ), which stores the message temporarily.
Using a message broker has several advantages compared to direct RPC:
It can act as a buffer if the recipient is unavailable or overloaded, and thus improve system reliability.
It can automatically redeliver messages to a process that has crashed, and thus prevent messages from being lost.
It avoids the sender needing to know the IP address and port number of the recipient (which is particularly useful in a cloud deployment where virtual machines often come and go).
It allows one message to be sent to several recipients.
It logically decouples the sender from the recipient (the sender just publishes messages and doesn’t care who consumes them).
However, a difference compared to RPC is that message-passing communication is usually one-way: a sender normally doesn’t expect to receive a reply to its messages. It is possible for a process to send a response, but this would usually be done on a separate channel. This communication pattern is asynchronous : the sender doesn’t wait for the message to be delivered, but simply sends it and then forgets about it.
Message brokers
In the past, the landscape of message brokers was dominated by commercial enterprise software from companies such as TIBCO, IBM WebSphere, and webMethods. More recently, open source implementations such as RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, HornetQ, NATS, and Apache Kafka have become popular. We will compare them in more detail in Chapter 11 .
过去,消息代理的市场被TIBCO、IBM WebSphere和webMethods等公司的商业企业软件所主导。近年来,像RabbitMQ、ActiveMQ、HornetQ、NATS和Apache Kafka这样的开源实现变得流行起来。我们将在第11章中对它们进行更详细的比较。
The detailed delivery semantics vary by implementation and configuration, but in general, message brokers are used as follows: one process sends a message to a named queue or topic , and the broker ensures that the message is delivered to one or more consumers of or subscribers to that queue or topic. There can be many producers and many consumers on the same topic.
A topic provides only one-way dataflow. However, a consumer may itself publish messages to another topic (so you can chain them together, as we shall see in Chapter 11 ), or to a reply queue that is consumed by the sender of the original message (allowing a request/response dataflow, similar to RPC).
Message brokers typically don’t enforce any particular data model—a message is just a sequence of bytes with some metadata, so you can use any encoding format. If the encoding is backward and forward compatible, you have the greatest flexibility to change publishers and consumers independently and deploy them in any order.
If a consumer republishes messages to another topic, you may need to be careful to preserve unknown fields, to prevent the issue described previously in the context of databases ( Figure 4-7 ).
Distributed actor frameworks
The actor model is a programming model for concurrency in a single process. Rather than dealing directly with threads (and the associated problems of race conditions, locking, and deadlock), logic is encapsulated in actors . Each actor typically represents one client or entity, it may have some local state (which is not shared with any other actor), and it communicates with other actors by sending and receiving asynchronous messages. Message delivery is not guaranteed: in certain error scenarios, messages will be lost. Since each actor processes only one message at a time, it doesn’t need to worry about threads, and each actor can be scheduled independently by the framework.
In distributed actor frameworks , this programming model is used to scale an application across multiple nodes. The same message-passing mechanism is used, no matter whether the sender and recipient are on the same node or different nodes. If they are on different nodes, the message is transparently encoded into a byte sequence, sent over the network, and decoded on the other side.
在分布式 actor 框架中,该编程模型被用于跨多个节点扩展应用程序。无论发送方和接收方是在同一节点还是不同节点,都使用相同的消息传递机制。如果它们在不同的节点上,消息将被透明地编码为字节序列,通过网络发送,并在另一侧进行解码。
Location transparency works better in the actor model than in RPC, because the actor model already assumes that messages may be lost, even within a single process. Although latency over the network is likely higher than within the same process, there is less of a fundamental mismatch between local and remote communication when using the actor model.
A distributed actor framework essentially integrates a message broker and the actor programming model into a single framework. However, if you want to perform rolling upgrades of your actor-based application, you still have to worry about forward and backward compatibility, as messages may be sent from a node running the new version to a node running the old version, and vice versa.
Three popular distributed actor frameworks handle message encoding as follows:
三个流行的分布式 actor 框架的信息编码方式如下:
Akka uses Java’s built-in serialization by default, which does not provide forward or backward compatibility. However, you can replace it with something like Protocol Buffers, and thus gain the ability to do rolling upgrades [ 50 ].
Akka默认使用Java内置的序列化,但是它没有提供向前或向后兼容性。不过,您可以使用类似Protocol Buffers的东西替换它,从而获得滚动升级的能力[50].
Orleans by default uses a custom data encoding format that does not support rolling upgrade deployments; to deploy a new version of your application, you need to set up a new cluster, move traffic from the old cluster to the new one, and shut down the old one [ 51 , 52 ]. Like with Akka, custom serialization plug-ins can be used.
Orleans 默认使用自定义数据编码格式,不支持滚动升级部署;要部署应用程序的新版本,需要设置一个新的集群,将流量从旧集群移动到新集群,并关闭旧集群。与 Akka 一样,可以使用自定义序列化插件。
In Erlang OTP it is surprisingly hard to make changes to record schemas (despite the system having many features designed for high availability); rolling upgrades are possible but need to be planned carefully [ 53 ]. An experimental new
datatype (a JSON-like structure, introduced in Erlang R17 in 2014) may make this easier in the future [ 54 ].在Erlang OTP中,尽管该系统有许多为高可用性而设计的功能,但更改记录模式仍然令人惊讶地困难; 滚动升级可能是可行的,但需要仔细计划。一个实验性的新映射数据类型(类似于JSON的结构,在2014年Erlang R17中引入)可能会在未来使这一过程更加容易。
In this chapter we looked at several ways of turning data structures into bytes on the network or bytes on disk. We saw how the details of these encodings affect not only their efficiency, but more importantly also the architecture of applications and your options for deploying them.
In particular, many services need to support rolling upgrades, where a new version of a service is gradually deployed to a few nodes at a time, rather than deploying to all nodes simultaneously. Rolling upgrades allow new versions of a service to be released without downtime (thus encouraging frequent small releases over rare big releases) and make deployments less risky (allowing faulty releases to be detected and rolled back before they affect a large number of users). These properties are hugely beneficial for evolvability , the ease of making changes to an application.
During rolling upgrades, or for various other reasons, we must assume that different nodes are running the different versions of our application’s code. Thus, it is important that all data flowing around the system is encoded in a way that provides backward compatibility (new code can read old data) and forward compatibility (old code can read new data).
We discussed several data encoding formats and their compatibility properties:
Programming language–specific encodings are restricted to a single programming language and often fail to provide forward and backward compatibility.
Textual formats like JSON, XML, and CSV are widespread, and their compatibility depends on how you use them. They have optional schema languages, which are sometimes helpful and sometimes a hindrance. These formats are somewhat vague about datatypes, so you have to be careful with things like numbers and binary strings.
文本格式,如JSON、 XML和CSV,是广泛使用的,它们的兼容性取决于你如何使用它们。它们具有可选的模式语言,有时有帮助,有时是一种阻力。这些格式对于数据类型有些模糊,所以对于像数字和二进制字符串这样的东西,你必须小心。
Binary schema–driven formats like Thrift, Protocol Buffers, and Avro allow compact, efficient encoding with clearly defined forward and backward compatibility semantics. The schemas can be useful for documentation and code generation in statically typed languages. However, they have the downside that data needs to be decoded before it is human-readable.
二进制schema驱动格式(例如Thrift,Protocol Buffers和Avro)允许紧凑、高效的编码,并具有明确定义的向前和向后兼容性语义。在静态类型语言中,这些模式可以用于文档和代码生成。但是,它们的缺点是需要在数据变得可读之前进行解码。
We also discussed several modes of dataflow, illustrating different scenarios in which data encodings are important:
Databases, where the process writing to the database encodes the data and the process reading from the database decodes it
RPC and REST APIs, where the client encodes a request, the server decodes the request and encodes a response, and the client finally decodes the response
RPC和REST API,客户端编码一个请求,服务器解码请求并编码响应,客户端最后解码响应。
Asynchronous message passing (using message brokers or actors), where nodes communicate by sending each other messages that are encoded by the sender and decoded by the recipient
We can conclude that with a bit of care, backward/forward compatibility and rolling upgrades are quite achievable. May your application’s evolution be rapid and your deployments be frequent.
i With the exception of some special cases, such as certain memory-mapped files or when operating directly on compressed data (as described in “Column Compression” ).
ii Note that encoding has nothing to do with encryption . We don’t discuss encryption in this book.
iii Actually, it has three—BinaryProtocol, CompactProtocol, and DenseProtocol—although DenseProtocol is only supported by the C++ implementation, so it doesn’t count as cross-language [ 18 ]. Besides those, it also has two different JSON-based encoding formats [ 19 ]. What fun!
iv To be precise, the default value must be of the type of the first branch of the union, although this is a specific limitation of Avro, not a general feature of union types.
v Except for MySQL, which often rewrites an entire table even though it is not strictly necessary, as mentioned in “Schema flexibility in the document model” .
vi Even within each camp there are plenty of arguments. For example, HATEOAS ( hypermedia as the engine of application state ), often provokes discussions [ 35 ].
vii Despite the similarity of acronyms, SOAP is not a requirement for SOA. SOAP is a particular technology, whereas SOA is a general approach to building systems.
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请帮我翻译:“[43]Jim Waldo,Geoff Wyant,Ann Wollrath和Sam Kendall:‘关于分布式计算的注释,’Sun Microsystems Laboratories,Inc.,技术报告TR-94-29,1994年11月。”,翻译为简体中文,只返回翻译内容,不包括原始文本。 “[43] Jim Waldo,Geoff Wyant,Ann Wollrath和Sam Kendall:‘关于分布式计算的注释,’Sun Microsystems Laboratories,Inc.,技术报告TR-94-29,1994年11月。” 翻译为: “Jim Waldo、Geoff Wyant、Ann Wollrath和Sam Kendall:‘分布式计算注释’,Sun Microsystems实验室,技术报告TR-94-29,1994年11月。”
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